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Welcome friend!

I am excited to announce that I’ve committed to join World Race. I am looking forward to this journey and am excited to invite you alongside me. World Race is an eleven month mission trip to six countries. During the course of the World Race trip I will be serving God together with a group of christians aged 21-30. We will focus on serving God by meeting the local communities’ needs in a variety of ways according to the focus of the ministry for each stop we make.

My story of faith starts in my childhood. While I didn’t grow up in the church, I remember as a child feeling that there is a God, but I just didn’t know Him yet. I wouldn’t hear anything about Jesus until around high school. I felt that he was God, and the way to salvation, but I still didn’t know him personally. I had a desire to have a relationship with God for years since high school, but it wasn’t until I hit a low point in my life in April 2021 that I first got to know Him. By the grace of God I found my way into His sanctuary where I finally started to get to know Jesus as more than just an idea, and my relationship with God truly began. Since then I have held a strong desire to grow my relationship with God and to share the gospel with friends, family, and everyone else that I know.

When I learned about this opportunity through World Race, I knew it would be a great opportunity to go deeper in my relationship with God. I want to see the world through a new lens – I want to see the world, but not just see the world – I want to see the world how God sees the world so that I can love God and all his creation through the love of God that fills me. I have a strong desire to fully surrender, obey, and trust God while at the same time sharing the gospel with my friends and family. One way to honor God is by following the 1st and 2nd greatest commandments – by loving God and loving my neighbor. I believe in World Race’s approach that it is possible to both be discipled and disciple others at the same time. I pray that you would partner and come alongside me on this journey God is calling me to. 


If you feel called to support me, there are three ways you can help out. The first and most important way where I need your support is as a prayer partner. As I prepare to go on this trip, I need a solid team of people praying for me and our team that we can use our time wisely, and that God will use us to do his will wherever we are. 

The second way you can support me is financially. This opportunity is a mission trip, and as such I need to raise support to pay for things like flights, lodgings, and meals. Any little bit that you can give is helpful and much appreciated!


Finally, you can also support me by sharing this information with others who would also be able to partner with me either through prayer or financially. Though one can be overpowered, two can resist, and a strand of three cords is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).


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This blog for ROBERT TRACEY is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.